Barrow Family Hunting Webpage 2005

Michael and Ryan both got nice deer down the Swan. Picture of Mike's deer, but
didn't get one of Ryan's. It was just a bit bigger than Mike's.

Today Tyra shot a really big buck!! Perfect shot by the way!!
He rattled him in, but he took off before we could see him.
About 1 1/2 hours later he came back by with his nose to the ground right behind a doe!
About a 75 foot shot!!

What is hunting camp without the proper comforts of home??

Sean had a good season also:

Sean's elk.

The garage where Sean and several of his friends hung their successful weekend meat

A bulls that a couple of old farts got next to the road.
Those two are in their 80's. I hope I live that long and am successful as them.

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